In a bizarre incident that has gone viral on social media, a woman in Florida was arrested after she was caught twerking at a McDonald's restaurant.
The incident took place on August 18, 2022, at a McDonald's in Tampa, Florida. According to witnesses, the woman, identified as 23-year-old Ashley Flores, walked into the restaurant and began dancing provocatively on a table. She was reportedly wearing a short dress and no underwear, and her dance moves were so explicit that they shocked and offended other customers.
Witnesses said that Flores continued to twerk despite being asked to stop by McDonald's employees. She eventually got up on the table and started dancing on top of it, grinding her body against the surface. At this point, the police were called and Flores was arrested.
florida woman twerks mcdonalds
In bizarre incident, Florida woman arrested for twerking at McDonald's.
- Woman identified as Ashley Flores.
- Incident occurred on August 18, 2022.
- Location: McDonald's restaurant in Tampa, Florida.
- Flores twerked on table, shocking customers.
- Refused to stop despite being asked.
- Climbed on table and grinded against surface.
- Police called, Flores arrested.
- Incident captured on video, went viral.
The incident has sparked outrage and debate online, with some people criticizing Flores' behavior and others defending her right to express herself.