When Does the Florida Gas Tax Holiday End?

When Does the Florida Gas Tax Holiday End?

As gas prices soar across the country, Florida residents are enjoying a reprieve from the high costs at the pump. The state's gas tax holiday, which went into effect on October 1, 2022, has temporarily suspended the state's 26.5-cent-per-gallon tax on gasoline and the 5.79-cent-per-gallon tax on diesel fuel.

This has resulted in significant savings for motorists, with the average price of a gallon of unleaded gas in Florida dropping by over 20 cents since the holiday began. However, the gas tax holiday is set to expire on December 31, 2022, and many are wondering what will happen to gas prices in Florida once it ends.

The future of gas prices in Florida after the end of the gas tax holiday is uncertain. Several factors could impact the price of gas in the state, including global oil prices, supply and demand, and the strength of the economy.

When Does Florida Gas Tax Holiday End

Here are 9 important points about the end of Florida's gas tax holiday:

  • Ends December 31, 2022
  • Gas prices may rise
  • Global oil prices impact
  • Supply and demand impact
  • Economic strength impact
  • Holiday travel impact
  • Potential legislative action
  • Monitor gas price trends
  • Plan accordingly

The future of gas prices in Florida is uncertain, so it's important to stay informed and plan accordingly.

Ends December 31, 2022

The Florida gas tax holiday is set to expire on December 31, 2022. This means that the state's gas tax of 26.5 cents per gallon on gasoline and 5.79 cents per gallon on diesel fuel will be reinstated on January 1, 2023.

  • Gas prices may rise:

    Once the gas tax holiday ends, gas prices in Florida are likely to increase by the amount of the tax, which is currently 26.5 cents per gallon for gasoline and 5.79 cents per gallon for diesel fuel.

  • Economic impact:

    The increase in gas prices could have a ripple effect on the state's economy, as higher transportation costs can lead to higher prices for goods and services.

  • Consumer planning:

    Motorists who are planning to travel or who have high fuel consumption needs may want to fill up their tanks before the end of the gas tax holiday to take advantage of the lower prices.

  • Legislative action:

    It is possible that the Florida legislature could take action to extend the gas tax holiday or provide other relief to motorists. However, this is uncertain and would depend on the political and economic climate at the time.

Overall, the end of the Florida gas tax holiday on December 31, 2022, is likely to result in an increase in gas prices in the state. Motorists should be prepared for this and may want to adjust their driving habits or budgeting accordingly.

Gas prices may rise

Once the Florida gas tax holiday ends on December 31, 2022, gas prices in the state are likely to increase by the amount of the tax, which is currently 26.5 cents per gallon for gasoline and 5.79 cents per gallon for diesel fuel.

This means that the average price of a gallon of gas in Florida could increase by over 20 cents per gallon, which would be a significant increase for motorists.

The increase in gas prices could have a ripple effect on the state's economy, as higher transportation costs can lead to higher prices for goods and services. This could be especially burdensome for low-income families and small businesses.

Motorists who are planning to travel or who have high fuel consumption needs may want to fill up their tanks before the end of the gas tax holiday to take advantage of the lower prices. They may also want to adjust their driving habits or budgeting accordingly to prepare for the increase in gas prices.

Overall, the end of the Florida gas tax holiday is likely to result in an increase in gas prices in the state. Motorists should be prepared for this and may want to take steps to mitigate the impact on their budgets.

Global oil prices impact

Global oil prices are a major factor that can impact gas prices in Florida, even after the gas tax holiday ends.

  • Oil supply and demand:

    The global supply and demand for oil can affect prices. When demand for oil is high, prices tend to rise. When supply is high and demand is low, prices tend to fall.

  • Political and economic factors:

    Political and economic events around the world can also impact oil prices. For example, conflicts in oil-producing regions or changes in global economic conditions can lead to price fluctuations.

  • Currency exchange rates:

    The value of the US dollar compared to other currencies can also affect gas prices. When the dollar is strong, it can make it cheaper to import oil, which can lead to lower gas prices. Conversely, when the dollar is weak, it can make it more expensive to import oil, which can lead to higher gas prices.

  • Taxes and regulations:

    Taxes and regulations on the oil industry can also impact gas prices. For example, changes in taxes on oil production or transportation can affect the cost of gasoline and diesel fuel.

Overall, global oil prices are a complex and dynamic factor that can have a significant impact on gas prices in Florida, even after the gas tax holiday ends.

Supply and demand impact

The supply and demand for gasoline and diesel fuel can also impact gas prices in Florida, even after the gas tax holiday ends.

  • Seasonal demand:

    Gas prices tend to be higher during peak travel seasons, such as summer and holidays, when demand for fuel is higher. Conversely, prices tend to be lower during off-peak seasons, when demand is lower.

  • Refinery outages:

    When refineries that produce gasoline and diesel fuel experience outages or disruptions, it can reduce the supply of fuel and lead to higher prices.

  • Natural disasters:

    Natural disasters, such as hurricanes and floods, can disrupt the supply of fuel and lead to price spikes.

  • Economic conditions:

    Economic conditions can also impact the supply and demand for fuel. For example, when the economy is strong and people are driving more, demand for fuel increases and prices tend to rise. Conversely, when the economy is weak and people are driving less, demand for fuel decreases and prices tend to fall.

Overall, the supply and demand for gasoline and diesel fuel are important factors that can impact gas prices in Florida, even after the gas tax holiday ends.

Economic strength impact

The strength of the economy can also impact gas prices in Florida, even after the gas tax holiday ends.

  • Consumer spending:

    When the economy is strong and consumers are spending money, demand for goods and services increases. This can lead to increased demand for transportation fuels, such as gasoline and diesel, and higher gas prices.

  • Business activity:

    When businesses are doing well and expanding, they tend to hire more workers and increase their transportation needs. This can also lead to increased demand for fuel and higher gas prices.

  • Tourism:

    Florida's economy is heavily dependent on tourism. When the economy is strong and people are traveling more, demand for fuel increases and gas prices tend to rise. Conversely, when the economy is weak and tourism is down, demand for fuel decreases and gas prices tend to fall.

  • Global economic conditions:

    The strength of the global economy can also impact gas prices in Florida. When the global economy is strong, demand for oil and other commodities increases, which can lead to higher gas prices. Conversely, when the global economy is weak, demand for oil and other commodities decreases, which can lead to lower gas prices.

Overall, the strength of the economy is an important factor that can impact gas prices in Florida, even after the gas tax holiday ends.

Holiday travel impact

The end of the Florida gas tax holiday on December 31, 2022, could have a significant impact on holiday travel.

During the holiday season, many people travel to visit family and friends or to take vacations. This increased demand for travel can lead to higher gas prices, especially if the economy is strong and people are spending more money.

In addition, the end of the gas tax holiday could make it more expensive for people to travel by car, which could lead to increased traffic congestion on roads and highways. This could be especially problematic in popular tourist destinations like Florida.

Overall, the end of the Florida gas tax holiday could make holiday travel more expensive and more congested. Travelers should be prepared for higher gas prices and should consider budgeting accordingly.

Here are some tips for holiday travelers to help mitigate the impact of higher gas prices:

  • Plan your trip in advance and look for the best gas prices along your route.
  • Consider carpooling or taking public transportation to reduce your fuel consumption.
  • Pack light to reduce the weight of your vehicle and improve fuel efficiency.
  • Avoid driving during peak traffic hours to save fuel and reduce stress.

Potential legislative action

It is possible that the Florida legislature could take action to extend the gas tax holiday or provide other relief to motorists after it ends on December 31, 2022.

  • Extension of the gas tax holiday:

    The legislature could pass a bill to extend the gas tax holiday for a limited period of time, such as 30 or 60 days. This would keep gas prices lower for motorists, but it would also reduce tax revenue for the state.

  • Gas tax rebate:

    The legislature could pass a bill to provide a gas tax rebate to motorists. This would give drivers a direct payment to offset the cost of higher gas prices. However, this would also reduce tax revenue for the state.

  • Other forms of relief:

    The legislature could also consider other forms of relief for motorists, such as providing tax breaks for public transportation or increasing funding for transportation infrastructure projects.

  • No action:

    It is also possible that the legislature will take no action and the gas tax holiday will simply end on December 31, 2022. In this case, gas prices in Florida are likely to increase by the amount of the tax.

The future of gas prices in Florida after the end of the gas tax holiday is uncertain and will depend on a number of factors, including the actions of the legislature.

Monitor gas price trends

Gas prices are constantly changing, so it's important to monitor gas price trends in Florida, especially as the end of the gas tax holiday approaches.

There are a number of ways to do this:

  • Gas price apps:

    There are a number of gas price apps available that allow you to track gas prices at different stations in your area. This can be helpful for finding the cheapest gas prices.

  • Online gas price trackers:

    There are also a number of online gas price trackers that allow you to compare gas prices at different stations. This can be helpful for planning your fuel stops when traveling.

  • Local news and media:

    Local news and media outlets often report on gas prices in their area. This can be a good way to stay informed about current gas prices and trends.

  • Gas station signs:

    Of course, you can also simply look at the gas station signs as you drive by. This can give you a general idea of gas prices in your area.

By monitoring gas price trends, you can be more informed about the cost of fuel and make better decisions about when and where to fill up your tank.

Here are some tips for saving money on gas:

  • Fill up your tank when gas prices are low.
  • Consider using a gas station rewards card to earn discounts on gas.
  • Look for gas stations that offer discounts for cash payments.
  • Avoid buying gas at convenience stores, as they typically have higher gas prices.

Plan accordingly

With the end of the Florida gas tax holiday approaching, motorists should plan accordingly to mitigate the impact of higher gas prices.

  • Budget for higher gas prices:

    Motorists should adjust their budgets to account for the increase in gas prices after the gas tax holiday ends. This may mean cutting back on other expenses or finding ways to save money on gas.

  • Consider alternative transportation options:

    Motorists who are able to do so may want to consider using alternative transportation options, such as public transportation, carpooling, or biking, to reduce their fuel consumption.

  • Fill up your tank before the gas tax holiday ends:

    Motorists who are able to do so may want to fill up their tanks before the gas tax holiday ends on December 31, 2022, to take advantage of the lower gas prices.

  • Monitor gas price trends:

    Motorists should monitor gas price trends in their area to find the cheapest gas prices. This can be done using gas price apps, online gas price trackers, or local news and media outlets.

By planning accordingly, motorists can mitigate the impact of higher gas prices after the end of the Florida gas tax holiday.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the end of the Florida gas tax holiday:

Question 1: When does the Florida gas tax holiday end?
Answer 1: The Florida gas tax holiday ends on December 31, 2022.

Question 2: Will gas prices increase after the gas tax holiday ends?
Answer 2: Yes, gas prices in Florida are likely to increase by the amount of the tax, which is currently 26.5 cents per gallon for gasoline and 5.79 cents per gallon for diesel fuel.

Question 3: What can I do to prepare for higher gas prices?
Answer 3: You can adjust your budget to account for higher gas prices, consider using alternative transportation options, fill up your tank before the gas tax holiday ends, and monitor gas price trends.

Question 4: Is the legislature taking any action to extend the gas tax holiday or provide other relief to motorists?
Answer 4: It is possible that the legislature could take action to extend the gas tax holiday or provide other relief to motorists, but this is uncertain and would depend on the political and economic climate at the time.

Question 5: How can I find the cheapest gas prices in my area?
Answer 5: You can use gas price apps, online gas price trackers, or local news and media outlets to find the cheapest gas prices in your area.

Question 6: Are there any other ways to save money on gas?
Answer 6: Yes, you can save money on gas by filling up your tank when gas prices are low, using a gas station rewards card, looking for gas stations that offer discounts for cash payments, and avoiding buying gas at convenience stores.

Question 7: What are some tips for driving more fuel-efficiently?
Answer 7: You can drive more fuel-efficiently by accelerating and braking smoothly, avoiding jackrabbit starts and hard braking, using cruise control on the highway, keeping your tires properly inflated, and avoiding carrying unnecessary weight in your vehicle.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

These are just a few of the most frequently asked questions about the end of the Florida gas tax holiday. For more information, you can visit the Florida Department of Revenue website or contact your local tax office.

In addition to the information above, here are some additional tips for saving money on gas:


Here are some additional tips for saving money on gas in Florida:

Tip 1: Drive less:
One of the best ways to save money on gas is to drive less. Consider walking, biking, or taking public transportation whenever possible. If you have multiple errands to run, try to combine them into one trip.

Tip 2: Use cruise control on the highway:
Cruise control can help you maintain a steady speed, which can improve your fuel efficiency. However, be sure to disengage cruise control when driving in hilly or mountainous areas, as this can cause your car to downshift and use more gas.

Tip 3: Keep your tires properly inflated:
Underinflated tires can increase your rolling resistance, which can lead to lower fuel efficiency. Check your tire pressure regularly and inflate them to the recommended level, which can be found on the sidewall of your tire.

Tip 4: Avoid carrying unnecessary weight in your vehicle:
The more weight your vehicle carries, the more gas it will use. Try to avoid carrying unnecessary items in your trunk or cargo area.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

By following these tips, you can save money on gas and reduce your environmental impact.

The end of the Florida gas tax holiday is likely to result in higher gas prices, but there are a number of things you can do to mitigate the impact on your budget. By planning ahead, driving less, and using fuel-efficient driving techniques, you can save money on gas and keep your transportation costs under control.


The end of the Florida gas tax holiday on December 31, 2022, is likely to result in higher gas prices for motorists. However, there are a number of things that motorists can do to mitigate the impact on their budgets.

By planning ahead, driving less, and using fuel-efficient driving techniques, motorists can save money on gas and keep their transportation costs under control.

Here are some key points to remember:

  • The Florida gas tax holiday ends on December 31, 2022.
  • Gas prices in Florida are likely to increase by the amount of the tax, which is currently 26.5 cents per gallon for gasoline and 5.79 cents per gallon for diesel fuel.
  • Motorists should adjust their budgets to account for higher gas prices.
  • Motorists may want to consider using alternative transportation options, such as public transportation, carpooling, or biking.
  • Motorists can find the cheapest gas prices in their area by using gas price apps, online gas price trackers, or local news and media outlets.
  • Motorists can save money on gas by driving less, using cruise control on the highway, keeping their tires properly inflated, and avoiding carrying unnecessary weight in their vehicles.

By following these tips, motorists in Florida can save money on gas and reduce the impact of higher gas prices after the end of the gas tax holiday.

Closing Message:

While the end of the Florida gas tax holiday may be a cause for concern for some motorists, it is important to remember that there are a number of things that can be done to mitigate the impact on your budget. By planning ahead and driving smart, you can save money on gas and keep your transportation costs under control.

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